Sourcing of Materials

About This Project

Berkads are located in strategic grazing areas without permanent water sources. The berkads collect surface run-off during the rainy season and are also used for storing water brought by tankers during the dry periods. A major constraint faced by humanitarian agencies during drought response in Qalafe District has been a lack of storage facilities for water in the grazing areas away from permanent water sources.

Rehabilitation of strategic berkads emerged as a key community priority during a consultation with stakeholders in the target areas and is expected to reinforce the local drought coping mechanism – water trucking. Prioritization of sites and type of management systems will be discussed with the stakeholders at the inception of the intervention.

In Qalafe district, pastoralists excavate underground and build with stones and plastered mortars. 90% of the berkadss in the target were not covered; due to it, different climate changes crack the mortar and as a result, berkads could retain water for the dry seasons. The capacities vary depends on the owner’s income. Also, there are Berkads built by the government and need saver rehabilitation. Tusmo Care selected 2 Barkads from the Kabele 04 which is 32 km west of Galiile district. These two berkads were not operational for almost two decades.

The rehabilitation exercise stated the removal of old plaster, put new plaster and pure cement. Put mortar with the cement of 1:2:3 on the floor. All the berkads are covered with corrugated iron sheets. Inlet canals of a minimum of 70 m are de-silted. All the berkads rehabilitated are functioning and sustainable.
