ACEPO's Activities in Ethiopia
ACEPO's Activities in Ethiopia
ACEPO's Activities in Ethiopia
ACEPO's Activities in Ethiopia
ACEPO's Activities in Ethiopia
ACEPO's Activities in Ethiopia
ACEPO's Activities in Ethiopia
ACEPO's Activities in Ethiopia
ACEPO's Activities in Ethiopia
ACEPO's Activities in Ethiopia
ACEPO's Activities in Somalia
ACEPO's Activities in Somalia
ACEPO's Activities in Somalia
ACEPO's Activities in Somalia
ACEPO's Activities in Somalia
ACEPO's Activities in Somalia
ACEPO's Activities in Somalia
ACEPO's Activities in Somalia
ACEPO's Activities in Somalia
ACEPO's Activities in Somalia
ACEPO's Activities in South Sudan
ACEPO's Activities in South Sudan
ACEPO's Activities in South Sudan
ACEPO's Activities in South Sudan
ACEPO's Activities in South Sudan
ACEPO's Activities in South Sudan
ACEPO's Activities in South Sudan
ACEPO's Activities in South Sudan
ACEPO's Activities in South Sudan
ACEPO's Activities in South Sudan
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African Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (ACEPO) is a registered international humanitarian agency and obtained registration number 4204 in Sweden. It was established in 2015 and is strongly dedicated to serve impoverished populations and groups in humanitarian settings by providing critical relief and support.


It aspires to transform the lives of vulnerable groups such as displaced children, women, people with disabilities, and the elderly who play an important role in decision-making, programming which is crucial in ensuring community participation, local ownership and sustainability of our interventions.


Our current strategic programmes are inspired by our desire to contribute in building and strengthening resilience and self-reliance. Our specific focus areas include, but are not limited to; women’s empowerment through livelihood; health and psychosocial support; early childhood development; and WASH.


Through these programs, we hope to foster opportunities that enable the people and communities we support to mitigate the negative impact of future crises including food insecurity, pandemics, and poverty.

Our Vision

ACEPO envisions every person to have the opportunity to achieve his/her fullest potential, and to participate and contribute in all aspects of their life and development.

Our Mission

ACEPO is determined and committed to purse, together with the people and communities it works with, community empowerment, resilience, and self-reliance by strengthening local capacity in livelihood and implementing interventions that promote prosperity, food security, sound health, and literacy for all.

Our Goal

Our goal is to bring positive change in the lives of those people affected by the humanitarian crisis by facilitating access to nutritious food, health services, water, and education.

Needs-Based Assistance:
ACEPO is first and foremost focused on people who have been affected by suffering, particularly victims of armed conflict, famines, and natural disasters. ACEPO’s Executive Board of Management “ensure that the assistance provided shall, to the greatest extent possible, reach those most in need.” As a direct result of this, ACEPO strives to provide assistance on the basis of need. ACEPO will ensure that people who are more vulnerable due to age, gender, disability, or other factors can equally benefit from assistance provided to the community.

Commitment to People Affected by Disasters:
ACEPO believes that people affected by suffering, particularly victims of armed conflict, famines and natural disasters should be at the center of the response from start to finish as they have the right to life with dignity and have a right to assistance; and that all possible steps should be taken to alleviate human suffering arising from disaster or conflict. Recognizing that communities and governments are often best placed to respond to disasters, ACEPO seeks whenever possible to build upon country capacities at all levels to prepare for and respond to emergencies. Assistance can have adverse side effects on those affected by disaster or conflict, but ACEPO seeks to mitigate any adverse effects by working closely with the government to consult with impacted populations. International humanitarian assistance strives to be principled and “do no harm” since assistance may provide one side in a conflict an advantage over another, make a community or a portion of the community a target for attack, or create further conflict within a community. ACEPO’s policies, approaches, and programming will always seek to mitigate these risks.

Transparency and Accountability: ACEPO seeks to be transparent and accountable to our donors who fund our work, to the affected populations we serve, and to the affiliates we work with on a daily basis. ACEPO is committed to transparent and open decision-making within the bounds of ACEPO’s regulation and policy. As a learning organization, ACEPO constantly seeks to improve programming to the benefit of those in need. ACEPO strives to apply industry best practices in monitoring, evaluation, and reporting to ensure that it meets its accountability and learning responsibilities

Professionalism and Integrity: ACEPO strives to conduct itself in a professional manner, making decisions based on technical knowledge and in support of program quality and continued innovation. ACEPO draws on the experience of professional humanitarians and technical specialists, often from the very communities which are experiencing disasters. ACEPO also endeavors to conduct itself with integrity in its interactions with all parts of the humanitarian community.

Adaptability and Flexibility: The needs of the community and the resources available to respond can change very quickly after a disaster or during a conflict. ACEPO prides itself on being an office of open-minded problem solvers who can adapt to a myriad of complex situations, contexts, organizations, and cultures. As a part of its commitment to placing the needs of those affected first, ACEPO places a high value on remaining flexible and adaptable to the changing situation during a response. ACEPO works with the broader humanitarian community to respond to changing needs as quickly as it can.

  • Support Community initiatives in the fields of Youth promotion and integration of community development projects.
  • To promote income generating activities and create vocational skills for youngsters, women, and girls to become self-sufficient and reduce the level of poverty living.
  • To improve the rights of women focusing on issues such as female genital mutilations FGM, early marriage, and other forms of discrimination against girls and women.
  • To promote Understanding better relationship among the communities and attitude change for working together for peace and development in the society and creating a good atmosphere of stability in whole the states including environmental protection and wildlife.
  • Encourage the community for sustainable development and mobilize among them awareness on HIV/Aids.

Our Programs

Explore Our Humanitarian Programs


Our Policies

Acepo Anti-fraud and Anti Theft Policy

Allegation: A statement or accusation by a person that an act of Fraud, theft and corruption has or may have been committed. This does not require evidence of the offence or identification of suspects, but there is usually some stated basis for the accusation.

ACEPO Child Safeguarding Policy

African Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (ACEPO) does not allow any partner, supplier, sub- contractor, agent or any individual engaged by ACEPO to engage in any form of child abuse, maltreatment or poor safeguarding practice.

ACEPO Code of Conduct

ACEPO has developed this code of conduct and organizational ethics policy that is intended to assist all ACEPO employees to make ethical decisions in their professional and private lives, both within the office and outside office hours. The policy provides guideline to better understand the obligations placed upon the...

Acepo Conflict of Interest Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that all potential conflicts of interest are identified and addressed in an appropriate and timely manner. This Policy applies to the ACEPO Board, all ACEPO (and subsidiary company) employees, including affiliate organizations, and to all paid and unpaid consultants, contractors, interns, and ...

ACEPO PSEA Code of Conduct

ACEPO expects all staff to uphold the highest standards of professional and personal conduct at all times. ACEPO expects all staff and personnel to uphold the minimum principles set out in the UN Secretary Generals Bulletin ST/SG/2003/13 Special Measures on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA).


The Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) policy has been developed to provide guidance to ACEPO Staff on how to address SEA allegations and violations. This policy is a step-by-step guide to all ACEPOstaff, personnel, contractors, interns, volunteers and members of the Board of Directors to prevent and respond to sexual...

ACEPO Whistleblower Retaliation Policy

In the context of this policy, a complaint is an external grievance made against ACEPO or any of its members more specifically against one of its employees, associated “consultants” or partners where the organization has allegedly made mistakes, acted wrongfully, breached the Codes of Conduct to which ACEPO subscribes or failed to meet a commitment.

Our Partners